Alexandria, Va. – Terry Hall, First Vice President and the incoming President for the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International, was accompanied by Derek Poarch, APCO’s Executive Director and Jeff Cohen, APCO’s Chief Counsel for Law and Policy during a series of introductory meetings held today at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). APCO’s officials met with Chairman Julius Genachowski, Commissioner Mignon Clyburn,, staff for Commissioners Robert McDowell, Jessica Rosenworcel and Ajit Pai, and Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Chief David Turetsky.
During these meetings, APCO representatives shared some thoughts on the recent 9-1-1 outages that affected the Washington, D.C. area following a powerful “derecho” storm that swept through the area on June 29, 2012. Later that day, the Commission released a Public Notice seeking comment on these 9-1-1 outages.