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2024 Specops Breached Password Report: Two million compromised cloud credentials used ‘123456’ as password

Jan. 23, 2024
The report coincides with a new malware-stolen password data integration for the Specops Breached Password Protection Service, powered by the threat intelligence unit of parent...

Specops Software launches continuous scanning capabilities for breached password protection

Sept. 19, 2023
The feature will now enable security administrators to continuously monitor Active Directory for compromised passwords or those exposed on the Dark Web and prevent password reuse...
Courtesy of BigStock.com -- Copyright: SCPhotog
Cincinnati Reds was the most breached baseball password used by hackers/
Breach Detection

Using Major League Baseball team names as passwords is a homerun for hackers

March 31, 2021
The new research found that ‘Cincinnati Reds’ appears within breached password lists almost 150,000 times

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