COPS Monitoring celebrates a decade of redundant monitoring
Williamstown, NJ - September 18, 2014:  COPS Monitoring, a 36 year old company and largest independently owned wholesale monitoring provider in the United States, announced today that September 2014 marks the company's 10th year anniversary for providing redundant alarm monitoring.
"The commitment to help safeguard the lives and property of our dealers' customers means that a central station must be operational 24/7/365," said Jim McMullen, President and COO of COPS Monitoring.  "It is unquestionable that complying with the UL, FM and IQ certification helps us achieve a certain level of technical integrity and reliability.  Still, the fact remains that all physical structures, including central stations, are vulnerable to a number of events outside of their control that can cause a catastrophic failure or even complete destruction of a single facility.  No matter how small the possibility, our obligation to our dealers and their subscribers dictates that we go beyond the requisites of our listings and have a contingency plan to help ensure continuity of services even in the face of a disaster."
This sense of duty to its customers compelled COPS Monitoring to be a pioneer in redundant monitoring by opening its second central station in Scottsdale Arizona ten years ago.  In an industry that has been flush with acquisitions and consolidations, COPS steadily increased its network of central stations.  Today, COPS operates six strategically located hot redundant central stations that serve 1.3 million monitored customers across the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.
"In addition to providing enhanced disaster preparedness and recovery, there are several other benefits to operating multiple sites," continued McMullen.  "First, maintaining a team of over 450 qualified staff members is challenging in a single marketplace.  Having locations in different geographical areas, gives us the unique ability to attract the most talented and professional candidates in different areas across the US.  Second, where other monitoring companies struggle to maintain acceptable lifesaving response times during severe weather, we have consistently been able to maintain desirable response times by overstaffing our locations outside the affected areas because each location actively shares in the signal handling.  Finally, our six sites give us the ability to become more involved in various local and regional industry associations and to create more opportunities for face-to-face interaction with our dealers at the training and dealer meetings frequently hosted at each of our sites throughout the year," he concluded.