Security Business 2023 State of the Industry Report

Dec. 13, 2023
This annual report from Security Business magazine is the result of a comprehensive research survey of security systems integrators and consultants.

2023 State of the Security Industry: The Outlook from Integrators & Consultants

This annual report from Security Business magazine is the result of a comprehensive research survey of security systems integrators and consultants, looking to assess the state of business in the security services marketplace, including revenue, margin and RMR data; the impact of economic and geopolitical issues; mergers & acquisitions; hot technologies like artificial intelligence; expectations for 2024; and much more. 


Please fill out the form to the right to access the free report. 

Inside the State of the Industry Report:  

  • Demographics of respondents
  • Gross revenue, gross margin, 2024 expectations
  • RMR report
  • Project volume and backlogs
  • The economy: Margin threats and economic factors
  • Supply chain update
  • Integrator M&A and consolidation trends
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Threat detection and other emerging technologies
  • Cloud and subscription services
  • Vertical markets: Top performers
  • Geopolitical threats and trends
  • Integrators in their own words

Data compiled by Paul Rothman


Graphics and artwork by Eric Van Egeren


This report is supported by the Prima and StarLink Max products from Napco Security Technologies.*

* While this survey and report are supported by a manufacturer company, that company had absolutely no involvement or influence on the survey responses or the reporting of the results.

Sign up for the State of the Industry companion Webinar!

This webinar on Jan. 31 will feature a panel discussion with two seasoned experts who take a deep dive into the results of our State of the Industry report and speak to the business impact of many of the biggest industry trends and technologies, including: 

  • RMR and integrator growth
  • Supply chain issues
  • Subscription services
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • M&A and integrator/vendor consolidation
  • and more.

Sign up for the free Jan. 31 webinar at

About the Author

Paul Rothman | Editor-in-Chief/Security Business

Paul Rothman is Editor-in-Chief of Security Business magazine. Email him your comments and questions at [email protected]. Access the current issue, full archives and apply for a free subscription at