Loss Prevention Solutions

The SecurityInfoWatch.com Loss Prevention Solutions category is a collection of news, product/service listings and other resources for security professionals responsible for retail Loss Prevention programs. It covers a wide range of technology solutions designed to prevent and/or mitigate retail shrink.
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Loss Prevention Solutions

Strategies to Prevent Trailer Theft by Organized Criminals

July 3, 2024
The urgency of addressing high-value trailer thefts necessitates a return to the fundamentals of physical security systems
Cannabis Security

Cannabis security takeaways from MJBizCon 2023

Jan. 25, 2024
Our experts also share their industry projections for 2024
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Cannabis Security

Public-private partnerships within the cannabis industry

Jan. 25, 2024
A collaborative approach is an opportunity to significantly improve public safety
Courtesy SIW
Cannabis Security

Cannabis industry experts share insights for securing and managing risks to facilities

Jan. 25, 2024
SecurityInfoWatch, Genetec and SIA cannabis security breakfast panel at ISC East features solutions to growing challenges
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Security Executives

The dilemma of fake job scams is hard to stop at scale

Dec. 4, 2023
This usually forgotten security threat must be a part of any organization’s ERM planning

Genetec shares guidance for retailers on protecting against organized retail crime this holiday season

Nov. 16, 2023
According to NRF’s 2023 National Retail Security Survey, 67% of retailers noted an increase in ORC-related violence and aggression compared with 2022.
Merchandise Tags


Oct. 17, 2023
HID has engineered the new LinTRAK tags to be small and discreet, providing an even more unobtrusive option to seamlessly blend into linen items without compromising their robustness...
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Recent criticism has targeted Google for not proactively monitoring its Play Store for malicious apps.
Anti-Virus and Malware Defense

How cybercriminals evade mobile app store security measures

Oct. 11, 2023
By using tactics like "versioning" and masquerading as benign "beta" versions, malicious apps dodge stringent security checks
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Bigstock Licensed Marijuana Seller Heal 283577527
Cannabis Security

Cannabis: New industry, new exposure

Financial consequences for start-up businesses can be crippling
Polly Lasky 2023

SecurityDNA podcast recap: discussing digital twins, venture capital and smart cities with security industry futurist Jon Polly

Sept. 22, 2023
Jon Polly utilizes his knowledge of past security trends to analyze the impact that regulating artificial intelligence and the expansion of digital twins will have on the industry...
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Bigstock Ostersund Sweden July 431970938

Beyond card tapping and Apple Pay

Sept. 21, 2023
What’s next for in-store payments according to expert Ush Shukla
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Fraudsters are also getting more sophisticated.
Security Executives

The do's and don'ts for preventing mobile fraud

Aug. 28, 2023
Combating fraud in today's world requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach